Section 1. Name. The name of the organization shall be the Vermont / New Hampshire Career Development Association (hereafter referred to as VT/NH CDA or as the Association).
Section 2. Affiliation. VT/NH CDA is a division of the National Career Development Association (hereafter referred to as NCDA) and shall be subject to those provisions of its Bylaws that apply to divisions.
Section 3. Purpose. The purpose of VT/NH CDA shall be to create a partnership among career development practitioners from elementary/secondary schools, colleges and universities, public and private agencies, private practices and business/industry, and to establish and improve the standards of professional service in the field of career development in Vermont and New Hampshire. In addition, VT/NH CDA will endeavor to:

  1. Promote a greater understanding of the meaning of work and career.

  2. Foster career development over the life span.

  3. Encourage the establishment of innovative and responsive career development and career counseling services in the Vermont and New Hampshire communities.

  4. Gather and disseminate information regarding career development, guidance, and occupational information.

  5. Stimulate the improvement of career services, including assessment, guidance, and dissemination of occupational information and job search resources.

  6. Promote high standards and principles of career development/career counseling.


Section 1. Categories of Membership. There will be five general categories of membership in VT/NH CDA: professional, regular, retired, student and institutional. All except institutional members may vote, and all except student and institutional members may hold an elective office in the Association.
Sections 2. Qualities for Membership. The categories of VT/NH CDA membership shall be determined in accordance with the following:

  1. Professional Members. A professional member shall hold a master’s degree or higher in counseling or a closely related field from a college or university that was accredited when the degree was awarded by one of the regional accrediting bodies recognized by the Council on Post-secondary Accreditation. Professional members must present proof of academic credentials upon request.

  2. Regular Members. Regular members are those who have an interest in career development and have a desire to uphold the purpose and principles of VT/NH CDA.

  3. Retired Members. Retired members are those who have retired from the counseling profession and have been a member of VT/NH CDA for ten years.

  4. Students currently enrolled in degree seeking programs shall be eligible to become Student Members of the Association.

  5. Institutional. Universities, colleges, businesses, and agencies shall be eligible for a group membership

Section 3. Continuity of Membership. Membership in VT/NH CDA shall be continuous on an annual basis.
Section 4. Termination of Membership.

  1. Members may be dropped from membership for unethical behavior as defined in the Code of Ethics of NCDA or for conduct that tends to injure the Association or to affect its reputation adversely. Any charge relating to the unethical behavior or misconduct shall be presented to the Board over the signatures of two members. The Board shall provide for investigation of the charges and, if they are found to have substance, the Board shall counsel the members with a view toward possible modification of their behavior. Failing this, the Board shall determine appropriate action. The Board shall have the power to terminate membership in the Association. However, before taking such action, the Board shall notify the members of the precise nature of the charge and give them an opportunity to present evidence in their own behalf.

  2. Members will be dropped from membership for non-payment of dues.

Section 1. Dues and Assessments. The following procedures shall be followed in establishing VT/NH CDA dues and assessments, in addition to those required by the Bylaws of NCDA:

  1. Annual dues for all classes of membership shall be established by the Executive Board, subject to approval of the Association at its annual meeting.

  2. The Board may specify the manner in which dues and assessments shall be collected.

Section 2. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of VT/NH CDA shall be August 1st through July 31st.
Section 1. Procedures. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall follow the following procedures.

  1. Nominations. Members may be nominated for office in one of three ways:

  • The Committee on Nominations and Elections shall canvass members for names of suitable nominees.

  • A member may be nominated for any elective office by any member of good standing. The nomination shall be in writing to the Chairperson of the Committee of Nominations and Elections.

  • All nominations must include:

    1. A professional resume of the proposed nominee.

    2. A letter from the nominee stating his or her willingness and ability to serve.

    3. When applicable, a letter from the nominee’s employer recognizing the time and resource commitment involved.

  • A call for nominations shall be published in an official publication of VT/NH CDA at least 90 days prior to the circulation of ballots

  • A list of the names of all persons nominated for all elective offices by procedures (1) and (2) in ARTICLE IV, Section 1.A. shall be distributed by the Nominations and Elections Committee to all certified members of the Association by mail or e-mail.

  • All mail or e-mail ballots shall be returned to the Past-President by April 1.

Section 1. Officers, Representative(s).

  1. The Officers of the Association shall be the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers of the Association shall be members of NCDA.

  2. The Executive Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers.

Section 2. Method of Selection.

  1. The President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, shall be elected in accordance with ARTICLE IV.

Section 3. Terms of Office.

  1. The President-Elect shall be elected annually and shall hold office for one year or until his or her successor is chosen.

  2. The President-Elect shall succeed to the Presidency for a one-year term and then to Past-Presidency for a one-year term.

  3. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall serve for a period of one year or until their successors are chosen.

  4. In the event of resignation, continued absence, illness, or death of any officer other than the President, the Board shall, by majority vote, elect a successor to serve. In the event that the President-Elect is unable to assume the duties of President, the Board may, by majority vote, choose a member of the Board to serve as President until his or her successor takes office.

Section 4. Functions of Officers

  1. President. The President shall:

(1) Exert leadership in the achievement of the purpose of VT/NH CDA.
(2) Preside at meetings of the Executive Board.
(3) Appoint chairpersons of all VT/NH CDA committees.
(4) Serve ex officio on all VT/NH CDA committees except the Nominations and Elections Committee.

  1. President-Elect. The President-Elect shall:

(1) Perform the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President.
(2) Serve as a member of the Executive Board.
(3) Carry out such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Executive Board.

  1. Past-President. The immediate Past-President shall:

(1) Serve as a member of the Executive Board.
(2) Serve as Chairperson of the VT/NH CDA Nominations and Elections Committee.

  1. Secretary. The Secretary shall:

(1) Keep a record of the proceedings of the Executive Board and Association meetings.
(2) Serve as a member of the Executive Board.

  1. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall:

(1) Serve as a member of the Executive Board.
(2) Assist in the preparation of the budgets for VT/NH CDA, its committees, and its publications.
(3) Follow accepted procedures for handling the funds of VT/NH CDA.
(4) Recommend to the Executive Board any needed modifications in procedures for managing the fiscal affairs of VT/NH CDA.

Section 5. Sanction and Removal from Office. Any individual noted in Article V, Sections 1 to 4 above, may be sanctioned or removed from office in accordance with procedures as prescribed by official policy of the Association.
Any member of the Executive Board may be sanctioned by a majority vote or removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board at any regular or special meeting of the Executive Board at which a quorum is present for engaging in conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the Association or for repeated failure to perform the duties and responsibilities of an Executive Board Member.
Section 6. Functions of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be the agency through which the policies of the Association shall be determined and shall have the following powers and functions:

  1. To establish policies to govern the affairs of the Association.

  2. To act on recommendations from the Standing Committees such special committees as are responsible to the Board.

Section 7. Meetings of the Executive Board.

  1. The Board shall meet at least once a year. Other meetings of the Executive Board may be held at the call of the President or of a majority of the Executive Board.

  2. At least one-half of the members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum throughout any meeting of the Executive Board at which official business is transacted.


Section 1. Scheduling of Meetings. At least one meeting of the Association shall be held annually. Such a meeting shall constitute the annual membership meeting of the VT/NH CDA. Additional meetings of the Association may be called by either a majority vote of the Executive Board or a majority vote of the Association.
Section 2. Quorum. The number of members present at the meeting shall constitute quorum.
Section 3. Summary of Proceedings. A summary of proceedings of the Association shall be available upon request.
Section 4. Emergency Action. In an emergency and on recommendation of two-thirds vote of the Executive Board, business may be presented by mail or e-mail ballot to the members of the Association
Section 1. Standing Committees. The standing committees of VT/NH CDA and their duties shall be:

  1. The Membership and Communications Committee shall promote membership in VT/NH CDA and recommend procedures for processing applications including publicity, website and other communications activities.

  2. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall consist of five members: the three most recent Past Presidents and two members appointed by the Immediate Past President. The Immediate Past President shall serve as Chairperson. If any Past-President is unable to serve, the Executive Board may fill the vacancy. The Committee shall be responsible for carrying out the nominations and elections procedures in accord with these Bylaws.

  3. The Bylaws Committee shall have responsibilities for drafting proposals for amendments to these Bylaws and for the final wording of amendments passed by the Delegate Assembly to insure their consistency with the style and substance of these Bylaws. The committee shall carry out such other functions as may be assigned to it in these Bylaws or by the Executive Board.

  4. The Ethics Committee shall be responsible for educating the membership as to the Association’s ethical standards, making suggestions to the VT/NH CDA Executive Board for the modification or development of ethics-related and ethical behavior of VT/NH CDA members.

Section 2. Special Committees. These Committees shall be established by the Executive Board to carry out such activities as it believes will further the objectives of VT/NH CDA. The Executive Board shall, from time to time, review the charge and function of all special committees and shall make changes in their number, characteristics, or organization as may seem desirable.
Section 3. Appointment of Committees. In the absence of any provision to the contrary in these Bylaws or in the motion creating a committee:

  1. The President-Elect shall appoint chairpersons of committees. The term of office so appointed shall coincide with the assumption of the Presidency. Said appointees shall serve for a period of one year, with the exception of completing an unexpired term followed by an appointed term. Chairpersons of committees shall be subject to confirmation by the Executive Board. They may be re-appointed.

  2. The chairperson shall designate the members of his or her committee.

  3. Except as otherwise specified in these Bylaws, members of committees shall serve for one year or until the appointment of their successors. They may be re-appointed.


Section 1. Annual Audit. The Executive Board shall make recommendations for an annual audit of the financial records of VT/NH CDA and of its official publications by a certified public accountant. The report shall be reviewed by the Finance Committee and transmitted to the Board with any recommendations that may be appropriate. A full report on the financial condition of VT/NH CDA shall be made available to the members of the Association upon request.

Section 1. Amendments. The Association in accord with either of the following methods may amend these Bylaws from time to time:

  1. A proposed amendment may be presented to the Executive Board by a member of the Executive Board or Committee of VT/NH CDA, or by an individual, provided that in the case of an individual the proposed amendment shall be presented over the signatures of at least 25 voting members of VT/NH CDA. All such proposed amendments shall be presented in writing to the Secretary of VT/NH CDA at least 120 days prior to the annual meeting. They shall be reviewed by the Bylaws Committee and the NCDA Bylaws Committee followed by publication in an official organ of the Association at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting of the Association.

  2. An amendment also may originate at an annual meeting of the Association. A two-thirds vote by members in attendance is required to approve the amendment to be forwarded to the general membership for approval either by mail or electronic vote following review by the NCDA Bylaws Committee.

Section 2. Adoption. A proposed amendment shall be considered adopted if approved by a majority of members.


Section 1. Rules of Order. Robert’s Rules of Order, as from time to time revised, shall govern the proceedings of VT/NH CDA, unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws.
Section 2. In all official VT/NH CDA communication and publications, it is recommended that the “2015 NCDA Code of Ethics,” written by the NCDA Ethics Committee and approved by the NCDA Board in February 2015, be followed.